Hey, How are you doing?

This is a little project by me to work on the Spotify Api

& very creatively I call it


If you are currently playing a song on Spotify it will be displayed here. You can't control the tracks yet, but I am working on it πŸ˜„.

Your playlist's. Click on any to continue.

You will find all the songs available in the playlist.

Hover on any album art to play the preview for the song.

Your top artist's and their genre. Click on any to continue.

Hover on any album art to hear the preview track.

Find the recommended artists when you click on the button.

Your top tracks. You know the drill, hover and enjoy the music 🎢.

Your top genre.πŸ‘†clickπŸ‘†.

Suggested songs from that genre.

Due to spotify guidelines this application is currently in Development mode πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’».

If you would like to experience the website send me a βœ‰οΈ at abhi.sharma.0873@gmail.com with your email address used for the spotify account so that I can add you to the list.

Please view on Desktop

@shakey 😎